Three Monks

The Legend Of The Holy Circle

A singular and rare neogothic concept album combining the sound of a grand pipe organ with the typical progressive rhythm section: 'The Legend Of The Holy Circle' is the second concept album from the Italian band Three Monks, following their debut album 'Neogothic Progressive Toccatas' from 2011. The project is centered around the incredible pipe organ playing of Paolo Lazzeri supported by a thundering bass/drums rhythm sections and little else. This album is a church organ purist's dream. The various tracks are inspired by baroque composers and stories of cathedrals and their huge, historic pipe organs.. The music is incredibly heavy, vast, formal, and tinged with centuries of age. You feel as if you are walking into one of those centuries old European cathedrals and hear the bombast of the ancient organ, yet it is swirled into often dizzying progressive rock pieces. It is rightly compared to the bombast of EL&P, Areknames, Jacula, Van Der Graaf Generator and Il Balletto di Bronzo, but with pipe organ in stead of varying kinds of keys or synths, vocals, or guitar. Most of the music is in the heavy vein with eccentric and baroque aesthetics. Three Monks is a band that should be heard by heavy prog fans and fans of serious organ and classically influenced prog.

LP - 1 disk
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