Os Estilhacos
Os Estilhacos
Second release by Greek Label Sunnyboy66 Records. As Sao Paulo's east side is home of a garage scene that never lost breath, Os Estilhaços could not have been formed in any other context. Directly influenced by '60s psychedelia and drawing on the garage punk groups of that time (The Seeds, Count Five, Electric Prunes, Music Machine), the band presents its own compositions and some covers, having already played throughout Sao Paulo's alternative circuit and also in other states of the country and festivals such as Dia da Música, Garageira and Grito Rock, held in more than two hundred cities, in several countries. Caio Sergio (ex-Haxixins [vocals/guitar]) and Felipe Blasi [guitar] joined their longtime friends Paulo Nobre and Alexandre Rodrigues (ex-Panoramas [bass/drums respectively]) and invited Cristina Alves [organ] to complete the team. With some time on the road and after Felipe's and Caio's leaving (replaced by Rodrigo "Bob"), the band goes on as a quartet, without losing its sound essence. They consolidated a repertoire and recorded the tracks of their first album that could only achieve the desired sixties sound with analog equipment and touch of the friend and producer Luis Tissot (Caffeine Sound Estudio). The sonority of Os Estilhaços faithfully demonstrates the obscurity of garage scene. In live performances, the audience feel itself in the '60s, inside that primitive atmosphere in which each instrument contributes to the collective trip, always filled with plenty of fuzz guitars, the strong rhythm of the drums and the bass, supplementing with organ that flows melted in each song. Worth giving up consciousness for a few moments and get carried away by the acid trip of Os Estilhaços.